Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spiral Wrap-Around Ring

You guys, I have a confession... I'm really kind of cheap. If I see something, and I think I can make it, there is nothing you can do to get me to buy it (unless it's like a dollar). Luckily, I take great pride and joy in things I make (maybe you can tell) so I kind of have great self esteem!
Anyway, so I saw this really cute ring online that was all wire and beads, and of course I thought "hey, I bet I can make that" The silly thing is, this is not one of my strong crafting areas. I have never formed wire to make stuff. Any jewelry I've made in the past has been with string and elastics. But, I had the materials, so I went for it!
Here's the work in progress: 

And here's the final product! If you have seen the picture of the ring I'm talking about, I think you'll be rather impressed! It turned out SO great! I can't wait to make more jewelry to match! 

Cost: The beads up top I got at the Dollar Store (love!!) and the rest I have acquired over the years so $1
Time: half an hour! 

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