Friday, September 13, 2013

Upcycled Bakeware

A month or so ago, my aunt took dinner to my mom. One of the items she brought was in this old, blackened, caked-on burn crud type pan, and she told my mom to just throw it away when they were done with it because it could not get clean. And the crafter inside me shouted "NOOOOOOO!!' So I snatched it and brought it home! I'm not 100% sure where I got this idea, but I know it's all my own. 

Anyway, so I brought it home and got out my fabric scraps and glue gun and went to work! IT was actually kind of tricky, not as tricky as I thought, yet a little trickier than it first appears. But still not too bad, and I love how it turned out! So I took all of my fabric and matched colors, and measured to make sure I had enough to cover all of it. It turned out I used 5 different types total. The purple to cover the inside sides, the dark green on the outside, then I got a canvas type of material for the bottom (and I just folded it under itself and stuck some hot glue underneath) and the ribbon from my wedding dress corset (we didn't end up using it for the dress, don't worry, I'm not cutting up such a beauty for a craft) to border the bottom to make the edge look nicer. Finally I used some tulle and just wrapped it around the handles. An there you go! I also thought about adding the beading around the outside rim edge, but I only had bits and pieces, so I didn't finish that. I may go buy some and finish it later. 

The final product is a tray I keep on my table. It looks so classy! I love it so much! If you want to try something like this, I think any thrift shop would have junky old bakeware you could use on the cheap! 

Cost: Completely FREE!
Time: 1-2 hours between thumbing through fabric and all that jazz. 

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